Zaro's bakery

Zaro's bakery

  1. Do you like Chocolate or Vanilla cream? but wait a minute, how about to mix Chocolate and Vanilla in one cookie? Ladies and Gentlemen we want you to recognize the Benji It is also called "The Benji", and this cookie have a Vanilla cream and a Chocolate cream
    Photo: Do you like Chocolate or Vanilla cream? but wait a minute, how about to mix Chocolate and Vanilla in one cookie? Ladies and Gentlemen we want you to recognize the Benji It is also called "The Benji", and this cookie have a Vanilla cream and a Chocolate cream
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    • 4 Abraham the patriarch was the first man who freed the king of Sodom and Lot. Abraham just done a good deeds with Kindness
      to Lot and to king of Sodom. So like we know it, Abraham was a Jew but Lot and the king of Sodom was a non-Jews, so the Jew guy like Abraham as helping a Lot to non Jews people like Lot and to the king of Sodom. When Abram called out to 318 trained men who was born in his household to joining him to battle to fight for Lot and to the king of Sodom, so one of them was a Abraham's chief slave, Eliezer. Now, do you know why, Abraham's chief slave, was called Eliezer? because the numerical value of the name Eliezer is 318. And 318 is the numerical value number of abraham's trained men, who was born in his household for joining him in his battlebattle to Release Lot and to Release the king of Sodom.
      in the year 1917 was Comes a Time to give back to the Jewish People who has given so much to Non Jewish People.
      Let's talk about that Just One More Time, Abraham as helping a Lot to non Jews people like Lot and to the king of Sodom.
      3000+ Years Later Than He Earned That his descendants
      have a right to return to their promised land, now that was the message from the Government of the United Kingdom to the Jewish people, also known as the Declaration of Balfour: ''Balfour Declaration'' and for those who don't know: The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
      Декларация Бальфура 1917 года — официальное письмо, датированное 2 ноября 1917 года, от министра иностранных дел Великобритании Артура Бальфура к лорду Уолтеру Ротшильду, представителю британской еврейской общины, для передачи Сионистской федерации Великобритании.
      02 Νοεμβρίου 1917: Ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας, Άρθουρ Τζέιμς Μπάλφουρ, δηλώνει ότι «ήρθε η ώρα, οι Εβραίοι να αποκτήσουν κράτος στην Παλαιστίνη». Έμεινε στην ιστορία ως «Διακήρυξη Μπάλφουρ», πάνω στην οποία βασίστηκε η ίδρυση του κράτους του Ισραήλ το 1948. 2 Νοεμβρίου 1917: Ενώ η εξέγερση κατά των Οθωμανών εξελίσσεται νικηφόρα για τους Άραβες που ονειρεύονται ανεξαρτησία, ο βρετανός υπουργός Εξωτερικών, Άρθουρ Τζέιμς Μπάλφουρ, αποστέλλει μία επιστολή στον ηγέτη της εβραϊκής κοινότητας της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας, Λόρδο Ρότσιλντ, ζητώντας να τη διαβιβάσει στη Διεθνή Σιωνιστική Ομοσπονδία. Πρόκειται για τη «Διακήρυξη Μπάλφουρ», όπως θα μείνει στην ιστορία, με την οποία δίδεται η υπόσχεση για την εγκαθίδρυση μιας «εβραϊκής πατρίδας» στην Παλαιστίνη, με σεβασμό στα δικαιώματα των λαών που ζουν ήδη στην περιοχή. Ως αντάλλαγμα, η εβραϊκή κοινότητα καλείται να ενθαρρύνει τις ΗΠΑ να εισέλθουν στον Α’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Οι συζητήσεις που προηγήθηκαν της Διακήρυξης είχαν να κάνουν με τις λεπτομέρειες στη διατύπωση. Η φράση «εβραϊκή πατρίδα» χρησιμοποιήθηκε εσκεμμένα αντί της λέξης «πολιτεία», μιας και το επίσημο Λονδίνο δεν παραδέχτηκε ποτέ ότι στόχος του ήταν η δημιουργία ενός εβραϊκού κράτους. Επιπλέον, η αλλαγή μιας πρόθεσης οροθετούσε αυτή την πατρίδα μέσα στην Παλαιστίνη προς αποφυγής του εποικισμού όλης της περιοχής, ενώ στο τελικό κείμενο προστέθηκε και η αναφορά στα δικαιώματα των μη εβραϊκών κοινοτήτων.
      הצהרת בלפור היא הכינוי המקובל למסמך שנחתם בידי שר החוץ הבריטי, הלורד ארתור ג'יימס בלפור, ב-2 בנובמבר 1917 (י"ז בחשוון תרע"ח) ועיקרו הכרזה ולפיה בריטניה תתמוך בהקמת בית לאומי לעם היהודי בארץ ישראל. מתן ההצהרה היה הישג מדיני חסר תקדים של התנועה הציונית: מעצמה עולמית כמו בריטניה הסכימה למעשה לפרוש את חסותה על התנועה הציונית ולסייע לה במימוש מטרתה העיקרית.
      ההצהרה נמסרה לידיו של הלורד ליונל וולטר רוטשילד, שהתבקש להעבירה לידי ההסתדרות הציונית. היא ניתנה בעקבות הצעה שהגיש לממשלת בריטניה ד"ר חיים ויצמן בשיתוף עם ההנהגה הציונית בבריטניה. הצעתו של ויצמן כללה את הדרישה להכיר בזכות העם היהודי על ארץ ישראל ובזכותם של יהודים לעלות אליה, וכן להעניק מעמד מוכר למוסדות התנועה הציונית בארץ ישראל. את נוסח ההצהרה אישר הקבינט הבריטי ב-31 באוקטובר 1917.
      הצהרת בלפור הייתה מסויגת ומצומצמת בהשוואה להצעה שהגיש ויצמן, ובכל זאת כללה הכרה בהקמת "בית לאומי" ליהודים בארץ ישראל. במשתמע גם הכירה ההצהרה בתנועה הציונית כמייצגת שאיפות אלה. הצהרת בלפור הייתה איפוא ההישג המדיני המשמעותי הראשון של התנועה הציונית.
      מסמך המנדט של חבר הלאומים משנת 1922, שאשרר את החלטות ועידת סן רמו, כלל הצהרה זו ככתבה וכלשונה, וכך היא קיבלה תוקף חוקי של מסמך בינלאומי מחייב. גם מגילת העצמאות כללה התייחסות להצהרה.
      was born in the year 5608 from Creation, In Hebrew is shnat haterach=terach=Terah= Фарра=TEPAX= Θάρα, so the year of terach= Terah (the father of the Patriarch Abraham) so was born in the year of Terah
      שנת ה'תר''ח= תר''ח= תרח
      (אביו של אברהם אבינו)
      Let's talk about that just one more time, that was a divine providence of God that Arthur Balfour was born on 5608-Terach- Terah=Terah Abraham's father. Arthur Balfour paid fiber the Jewish People under the fiber of Abraham the patriarch to non a Jewish People like Lot and to the king of Sodom. In the year of 5608 from Creation Balfour was born, שנת ה'תר''ח=תר''ח=תרח=תרח אבי אברהם
      But That's Not All!, The numerical value of the words Balfour is 318 and 318= Eliezer the chief steward of Abraham's house. And 318 is the numerical value number of abraham's trained men, who was born in his household for joining him in his battlebattle to Release Lot and to Release the king of Sodom. Balfour=בלפור=Бальфур=Μπάλφουρ=318=Eliezer=אֱלִיעֶזֶר=Ελιέζερ=Элиэзер, Terach=Balfour's birthday.
      Photo: ‎4  Abraham the patriarch was the first man who freed the king of Sodom and Lot. Abraham just done a good deeds with Kindness 
 to Lot and to king of Sodom. So like we know it, Abraham was a Jew but Lot and the king of Sodom was a non-Jews, so the Jew guy like Abraham as helping a Lot to non Jews people like Lot and to the king of Sodom. When Abram  called out to 318 trained men who was born in his household to joining him to battle to fight for Lot and to the king of Sodom, so one of them was a Abraham's chief slave, Eliezer. Now, do you know why, Abraham's chief slave, was called Eliezer? because the numerical value of the name Eliezer is 318. And 318 is the numerical value number of abraham's trained men, who was born in his household for joining him in his battlebattle to Release Lot and to Release the king of Sodom. 
in the year 1917 was Comes a Time to give back to the Jewish People  who has given so much to Non Jewish People.    
Let's talk about that Just One More Time, Abraham as helping a Lot to non Jews people like Lot and to the king of Sodom.
 3000+ Years Later Than He Earned That his descendants 
have a right to return to their promised land, now that was the message from the Government of the United Kingdom to the Jewish people, also known as the Declaration of Balfour: ''Balfour Declaration'' and for those who don't know: The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. 
Декларация Бальфура 1917 года — официальное письмо, датированное 2 ноября 1917 года, от министра иностранных дел Великобритании Артура Бальфура к лорду Уолтеру Ротшильду, представителю британской еврейской общины, для передачи Сионистской федерации Великобритании.
02 Νοεμβρίου 1917: Ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας, Άρθουρ Τζέιμς Μπάλφουρ, δηλώνει ότι «ήρθε η ώρα, οι Εβραίοι να αποκτήσουν κράτος στην Παλαιστίνη». Έμεινε στην ιστορία ως «Διακήρυξη Μπάλφουρ», πάνω στην οποία βασίστηκε η ίδρυση του κράτους του Ισραήλ το 1948. 2 Νοεμβρίου 1917: Ενώ η εξέγερση κατά των Οθωμανών εξελίσσεται νικηφόρα για τους Άραβες που ονειρεύονται ανεξαρτησία, ο βρετανός υπουργός Εξωτερικών, Άρθουρ Τζέιμς Μπάλφουρ, αποστέλλει μία επιστολή στον ηγέτη της εβραϊκής κοινότητας της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας, Λόρδο Ρότσιλντ, ζητώντας να τη διαβιβάσει στη Διεθνή Σιωνιστική Ομοσπονδία. Πρόκειται για τη «Διακήρυξη Μπάλφουρ», όπως θα μείνει στην ιστορία, με την οποία δίδεται η υπόσχεση για την εγκαθίδρυση μιας «εβραϊκής πατρίδας» στην Παλαιστίνη, με σεβασμό στα δικαιώματα των λαών που ζουν ήδη στην περιοχή. Ως αντάλλαγμα, η εβραϊκή κοινότητα καλείται να ενθαρρύνει τις ΗΠΑ να εισέλθουν στον Α’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Οι συζητήσεις που προηγήθηκαν της Διακήρυξης είχαν να κάνουν με τις λεπτομέρειες στη διατύπωση. Η φράση «εβραϊκή πατρίδα» χρησιμοποιήθηκε εσκεμμένα αντί της λέξης «πολιτεία», μιας και το επίσημο Λονδίνο δεν παραδέχτηκε ποτέ ότι στόχος του ήταν η δημιουργία ενός εβραϊκού κράτους. Επιπλέον, η αλλαγή μιας πρόθεσης οροθετούσε αυτή την πατρίδα μέσα στην Παλαιστίνη προς αποφυγής του εποικισμού όλης της περιοχής, ενώ στο τελικό κείμενο προστέθηκε και η αναφορά στα δικαιώματα των μη εβραϊκών κοινοτήτων.
הצהרת בלפור היא הכינוי המקובל למסמך שנחתם בידי שר החוץ הבריטי, הלורד ארתור ג'יימס בלפור, ב-2 בנובמבר 1917 (י"ז בחשוון תרע"ח) ועיקרו הכרזה ולפיה בריטניה תתמוך בהקמת בית לאומי לעם היהודי בארץ ישראל. מתן ההצהרה היה הישג מדיני חסר תקדים של התנועה הציונית: מעצמה עולמית כמו בריטניה הסכימה למעשה לפרוש את חסותה על התנועה הציונית ולסייע לה  במימוש מטרתה העיקרית.
ההצהרה נמסרה לידיו של הלורד ליונל וולטר רוטשילד, שהתבקש להעבירה לידי ההסתדרות הציונית. היא ניתנה בעקבות הצעה שהגיש לממשלת בריטניה ד"ר חיים ויצמן בשיתוף עם ההנהגה הציונית בבריטניה. הצעתו של ויצמן כללה את הדרישה להכיר בזכות העם היהודי על ארץ ישראל ובזכותם של יהודים לעלות אליה, וכן להעניק מעמד מוכר למוסדות התנועה הציונית בארץ ישראל. את נוסח ההצהרה אישר הקבינט הבריטי ב-31 באוקטובר 1917.  
הצהרת בלפור הייתה מסויגת ומצומצמת בהשוואה להצעה שהגיש ויצמן, ובכל זאת כללה הכרה בהקמת "בית לאומי" ליהודים בארץ ישראל. במשתמע גם הכירה ההצהרה בתנועה הציונית כמייצגת שאיפות אלה. הצהרת בלפור הייתה איפוא ההישג המדיני המשמעותי הראשון של התנועה הציונית.
מסמך המנדט של חבר הלאומים משנת 1922, שאשרר את החלטות ועידת סן רמו, כלל הצהרה זו ככתבה וכלשונה, וכך היא קיבלה תוקף חוקי של מסמך בינלאומי מחייב. גם מגילת העצמאות כללה התייחסות להצהרה.
 was born in the year 5608 from Creation, In Hebrew is shnat haterach=terach=Terah= Фарра=TEPAX= Θάρα, so the year of terach= Terah (the father of the Patriarch Abraham) so was born in the year of Terah 
שנת ה'תר''ח= תר''ח= תרח 
(אביו של אברהם אבינו)
Let's talk about that just one more time, that was a divine providence of God that Arthur Balfour was born on 5608-Terach- Terah=Terah Abraham's father. Arthur Balfour paid fiber the Jewish People under the fiber of Abraham the patriarch to non a Jewish People like Lot and to the king of Sodom. In the year of 5608 from Creation Balfour was born,  שנת ה'תר''ח=תר''ח=תרח=תרח אבי אברהם 
But That's Not All!,  The numerical value of the words Balfour is 318 and 318= Eliezer the chief steward of Abraham's house. And 318 is the numerical value number of abraham's trained men, who was born in his household for joining him in his battlebattle to Release Lot and to Release the king of Sodom. Balfour=בלפור=Бальфур=Μπάλφουρ=318=Eliezer=אֱלִיעֶזֶר=Ελιέζερ=Элиэзер, Terach=Balfour's birthday.‎
    • Now you can be just like a Zebra, if you'll buy a Black & White Cookies By the Dozen.
      Photo: Now you can be just like a Zebra, if you'll buy a Black & White Cookies By the Dozen.
    • One rabbi told me that Abraham the Patriarch used when he fought against the four kings (see Midrash Tanchuma on Breishit, Chapter 14) Abraham single-handedly conquered the most powerful kings of his time. Do you know how he did it? He possessed magic sand. He threw it into the air and the sand turned into deadly spears and arrows.” Let's Read It Again: Abraham (the Patriarch) used when he fought against the four kings.6 Abraham single-handedly conquered the most powerful kings of his time. Do you know how he did it? He possessed magic sand. He threw it into the air and the sand turned into knives and spears and arrows.” Lo and behold, the sand was transformed into these magic secret weapons! Now I must to say: that only in the eye of the Ridiculous People, this true story, is a legend story, do you know why? On the one hand, the experiments confirmed the vision Archimedes. The researchers arranged to holschovym sail set in the desert, 450 mirrors, the total area of about 20 square meters. Since each of the mirrors with the help of the reflected radiation has raised the temperature of the sails on a half degrees, it really caught fire. But the fact that the Roman fleet was really on fire with the help of mirrors, caused too much doubt. Secondly, scientists had to wait a few minutes, until light sail. However, all written eyewitness unequivocally assert: the sail and the wooden sheathing of ships erupted almost simultaneously with the flow of light, hlynuvshimi from shore. Another fact: bronze mirrors were actually discovered during excavations in Syracuse, but the grinding was very imperfect. But ships were not a dozen, and they all fire at once However, according to Italian researchers, the mirror does exist. But her action actually was not quite so, as is generally assumed. Their light blinded impending enemy ships and then really flared like candles. But not "laser" that was the reason, but all the same "Greek fire" - fire a mixture of resin, sulfur and saltpeter, still unknown when the Romans. "Lighter" darted from catapults on the wall remarkably accurately and efficiently. According to the Italians, the huge bronze discs, blinding the enemies of the reflected sunlight, served . . . optical sight. More precisely, it could be called a "laser sight". As in the thriller about hired killers. The killer, sitting a few hundred meters away from his victim, gives her a red laser point, and . . . drops hammer. To develop such a system in ancient times, Archimedes, it was necessary to know two things: bowshot of catapults and the optimal distance at which the human eye is able to distinguish between light-disc casts a mirror on the sail. First, it was perfectly well known to any soldier, the second was easy to determine experimentally, directly on the streets of the city. Then Archimedes designed the thrower, in which the shooter move down the string at a time when the combination of the axis of boom with a solar bunny. All weapons have been calculated taking into account the curvature of the flight the arrow over a distance of 300 cubits. When the fleet approached Martsella at this distance, with mirrors sleteli blankets, thrower brought guns to "target", broke out arrowheads and zazveneli strained string. In conclusion, like the words of Plutarch: "Archimedes was so proud of the science, what about those of their discoveries, which he has gained fame . . . He did not leave any pieces. " This is not entirely accurate, but many of Archimedes′ works, we really do not know, but because there is no guarantee that the future will not have any secret of the great scientist. And for those who don't know, Mirror and Glass is made from sand, so in the reality have used a sand that is a burning glass. But that's not all now We know exactly that any piece of broken glass can make a tires flat even to the Tractor tire, so for now like you know, if the enemy will attack you with their Jeep so the right thing to do is to Leave them some pieces of broken glass in the ground and remember that pieces of broken glass it's actually a pieces of sand. Every Month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison in jail attacking another person with a knife during a fight. The YYN report that a Man charged in slashing JAMESTOWN, N.Y. — A man is in jail in Chautauqua County after allegedly attacking another person with a knife during a fight. Every two month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison are stabbed with broken glass and Attacked By Another prison. Every two Month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison in jail. Every two Month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison are stabbed with broken glass and Was Attacked By Another prison, and sometimes the victims are prison officers, and for those who forget again What is the broken glass, so the broken glass is just a sand. So like we know a broken beer glasses are used as weapons by the criminal or by the prison. So maybe Abraham the patriarch isn't was the first who was use that weapon, but for sure he isn't was the last who use that weapon after we see what going on the jails. Today there is a Anti-aircraft laser and a Anti-Missile Laser could a destroy the Missile/aircraft or could OR can intercept a missile/aircraft
      Now I must to say that Anti-Aircraft laser and Anti-Missile
      all of this machine can't exist without the glass, and the names of those machine is are 80w Co2 Glass Laser Tubes (CL-1600). And remember that a Glass can't exist without the sand. A magnifying glass can sharpen the sun's rays to start tinder on fire. And Glass can't exist without the sand.
      Now let's talk about sand, in the Greece league, the word sand is Hammos=המוס =ha=ה=Ά then mm=מ=μμ then ο=ו=o then s=ס=ς So like we know Hammos=המוס=Άμμος=sand=חול=песок. So the numerical value of word Hammos=111=Wonder=פלא=Pele=удивляться=αναρωτιέμαι
      Photo: ‎One rabbi told me that Abraham the Patriarch used when he fought against the four kings (see Midrash Tanchuma on Breishit, Chapter 14) Abraham single-handedly conquered the most powerful kings of his time. Do you know how he did it? He possessed magic sand. He threw it into the air and the sand turned into deadly spears and arrows.” Let's Read It Again: Abraham (the Patriarch) used when he fought against the four kings.6 Abraham single-handedly conquered the most powerful kings of his time. Do you know how he did it? He possessed magic sand. He threw it into the air and the sand turned into knives and spears and arrows.”  Lo and behold, the sand was transformed into these magic secret weapons!  Now I must to say: that only in the eye of the Ridiculous People, this true story, is a legend story, do you know why? On the one hand, the experiments confirmed the vision Archimedes. The researchers arranged to holschovym sail set in the desert, 450 mirrors, the total area of about 20 square meters. Since each of the mirrors with the help of the reflected radiation has raised the temperature of the sails on a half degrees, it really caught fire.  But the fact that the Roman fleet was really on fire with the help of mirrors, caused too much doubt. Secondly, scientists had to wait a few minutes, until light sail. However, all written eyewitness unequivocally assert: the sail and the wooden sheathing of ships erupted almost simultaneously with the flow of light, hlynuvshimi from shore. Another fact: bronze mirrors were actually discovered during excavations in Syracuse, but the grinding was very imperfect. But ships were not a dozen, and they all fire at once However, according to Italian researchers, the mirror does exist. But her action actually was not quite so, as is generally assumed. Their light blinded impending enemy ships and then really flared like candles. But not "laser" that was the reason, but all the same "Greek fire" - fire a mixture of resin, sulfur and saltpeter, still unknown when the Romans. "Lighter" darted from catapults on the wall remarkably accurately and efficiently. According to the Italians, the huge bronze discs, blinding the enemies of the reflected sunlight, served . . . optical sight. More precisely, it could be called a "laser sight". As in the thriller about hired killers. The killer, sitting a few hundred meters away from his victim, gives her a red laser point, and . . . drops hammer. To develop such a system in ancient times, Archimedes, it was necessary to know two things: bowshot of catapults and the optimal distance at which the human eye is able to distinguish between light-disc casts a mirror on the sail. First, it was perfectly well known to any soldier, the second was easy to determine experimentally, directly on the streets of the city. Then Archimedes designed the thrower, in which the shooter move down the string at a time when the combination of the axis of boom with a solar bunny. All weapons have been calculated taking into account the curvature of the flight the arrow over a distance of 300 cubits. When the fleet approached Martsella at this distance, with mirrors sleteli blankets, thrower brought guns to "target", broke out arrowheads and zazveneli strained string. In conclusion, like the words of Plutarch: "Archimedes was so proud of the science, what about those of their discoveries, which he has gained fame . . . He did not leave any pieces. " This is not entirely accurate, but many of Archimedes′ works, we really do not know, but because there is no guarantee that the future will not have any secret of the great scientist. And for those who don't know, Mirror and Glass is made from sand, so in the reality have used a sand that is a burning glass. But that's not all now We know exactly that any piece of broken glass can make a tires flat even to the Tractor tire, so for now like you know, if the enemy will attack you with their Jeep so the right thing to do is to Leave them some pieces of broken glass in the ground and remember that pieces of broken glass it's actually a pieces of sand.  Every Month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison in jail attacking another person with a knife during a fight. The YYN report that a Man charged in slashing JAMESTOWN, N.Y. — A man is in jail in Chautauqua County after allegedly attacking another person with a knife during a fight. Every two month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison are stabbed with broken glass and Attacked By  Another prison.    Every two Month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison in jail.    Every two Month under the jails around the world some kind of a prison are stabbed with broken glass and Was Attacked By Another prison, and sometimes the victims are prison officers, and for those who forget again What is the broken glass, so the broken glass is just a sand. So like we know a broken beer glasses are used as weapons by the criminal or by the prison. So maybe Abraham the patriarch isn't was the first who was use that weapon,  but for sure he isn't was the last who use that weapon after we see what going on the jails. Today there is a Anti-aircraft laser and a Anti-Missile Laser could a destroy the Missile/aircraft or could OR can intercept a missile/aircraft 
Now I must to say that Anti-Aircraft laser and Anti-Missile  
all of this machine can't exist without the glass, and the names of those machine is are 80w Co2 Glass Laser Tubes (CL-1600). And remember that a Glass can't exist without the sand. A magnifying glass can sharpen the sun's rays to start tinder on fire. And Glass can't exist without the sand.
Now let's talk about sand, in the Greece league, the word sand is Hammos=המוס =ha=ה=Ά then mm=מ=μμ then ο=ו=o then s=ס=ς So like we know Hammos=המוס=Άμμος=sand=חול=песок. So the numerical value of word Hammos=111=Wonder=פלא=Pele=удивляться=αναρωτιέμαι‎
    • When Abraham was 75 years old God has told him:"Go forth from your country..." Genesis 12:1-4. No one letter & no number are written in the Moses Bible, God's attended Bible by chance. 75 written in Hebrew letters gives the numerical value 770 exactly as the numerical number of 9, when written in letters; the word truth is written with 3 letters: aleph, mem & taw; using the restricted method of count: not counting zeros: 1+4+4=9; The numerical value of the phrase "big heart" is also 75; big heart is the essence of the creation. At the age of 75, Abraham was ready to spread the truth about the Creator, that is: He's created the world & creatures out of His unbounded Goodness & Benevolence. NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT The Number 75, 70=Shivhim=שבעים and 5 = Chamesh=חמש so toghter we will get the Number 770 = 9 = Teysha=תשע truth= Hemeth= אמת= правда= αλήθεια =אמת= 441= nine= девять = εννέα=9. Abram was 75 when he was called to go into the promised land. Do you know why? because the numerical value of word: ''Large Heart'' so like we know Abraham have a ''Large Heart''= לב גדול= Lev Gadol= большой сердце= благородство=великодушие= נדיבות= Nedivoot= generosity= γενναιοδωρία. Large Heart= μεγάλη καρδιάSee More
    • Message from Eliah the prophet. Since Adam's and Eve's sin, people are born with particle of Adam's soul, that is life energy of Holy God, Hashem. As you know already, the numerical value of word ''image'' is 160, exactly as the numerical value of word ''money'', so when people worship money, don't observe Hashem laws, don't understand kindness, benevolence and compassion, they are just like the Kain. Numerical value of word ''Kain'' is also 160, Kain thought about himself, not even about tree (the numerical value is also 160). Satan say ''Time Is Money'', but the angel say the longest time without a Kingdom of the God and Messiah the world will be lost from this time forth and forevermore. Now Let's Talk About the number 160, 160 = Kain=קין=Каин=Κάιν=160=Money=כסף=Kesef=Деньги=Χρήμα=160=Tzelem=צלם=Image=Образ=Образу=εικόνα (Священный писатель о сотворении человека повествует: "И сказал Бог: сотворим человека по образу Нашему и подобию... И сотворил Бог человека по образу Своему, по образу Божию сотворил его; мужчину и женщину сотворил их" (Быт. 1:26-27) (So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.) (Ας αρχίσουμε από την αρχή, από τη Γένεση, 1/α: 26,27: "και είπεν ο Θεός· ποιήσωμεν άνθρωπον κατ ‘ εικόνα ημετέραν και καθ ‘ ομοίωσιν, και αρχέτωσαν των ιχθύων της θαλάσσης και των πετεινών του ουρανού και των κτηνών και πάσης της γης και πάντων των ερπετών των ερπόντων επί γης γης. 27 και εποίησεν ο Θεός τον άνθρωπον, κατ ‘ εικόνα Θεού εποίησεν αυτόν, άρσεν και θήλυ εποίησεν αυτούς".) ( ויברא אלהים את האדם בצלמו בצלם אלהים ברא אותו זכר ונקבה ברא אותם בראשית א', כ"ז).See More
      Photo: ‎Message from Eliah the prophet. Since Adam's and Eve's sin, people are born with particle of Adam's soul, that is life energy of Holy God, Hashem. As you know already, the numerical value of  word ''image'' is 160, exactly as the numerical value of word ''money'', so when people worship money, don't observe Hashem laws, don't understand kindness, benevolence and compassion, they are just like the Kain. Numerical value of word ''Kain'' is also 160, Kain thought about himself, not even about tree (the numerical value is also 160). Satan say ''Time Is Money'', but the angel say the longest time without a Kingdom of the God and Messiah the world will be lost from this time forth and forevermore. Now Let's Talk About the number 160, 160 = Kain=קין=Каин=Κάιν=160=Money=כסף=Kesef=Деньги=Χρήμα=160=Tzelem=צלם=Image=Образ=Образу=εικόνα   (Священный писатель о сотворении человека повествует: "И сказал Бог: сотворим человека по образу Нашему и подобию... И сотворил Бог человека по образу Своему, по образу Божию сотворил его; мужчину и женщину сотворил их" (Быт. 1:26-27) (So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.) (Ας αρχίσουμε από την αρχή, από τη Γένεση, 1/α: 26,27: "και είπεν ο Θεός· ποιήσωμεν άνθρωπον κατ ‘ εικόνα ημετέραν και καθ ‘ ομοίωσιν, και αρχέτωσαν των ιχθύων της θαλάσσης και των πετεινών του ουρανού και των κτηνών και πάσης της γης και πάντων των ερπετών των ερπόντων επί γης γης. 27 και εποίησεν ο Θεός τον άνθρωπον, κατ ‘ εικόνα Θεού εποίησεν αυτόν, άρσεν και θήλυ εποίησεν αυτούς".) ( ויברא אלהים את האדם בצלמו בצלם אלהים ברא אותו זכר ונקבה ברא אותם בראשית א', כ"ז).‎
    • Today Aliah, the prophet, sending you Message from the Universe Creator. H is acronym of the word "kill", G is acronym of the word steal, R is acronym of two words: word "liar" and word "murder"הגר ה- הורג ג- גונב ר- רוצח ר- רמאי. Hagar Horeg= kill Gonev= steal Rotzeach= murder Ramay=liar. The name Ishmael, that means "God will hear". God will hear cry and screams of Israelis to what Ishmael descendants will do to Israelis, because Israelis don't want Me, they usually remember their God only in Great disasters and only then, they scream to Me for help, only when they can't suffer anymore, because most of them are "Golden Calf" worshipers, they didn't change during generations. Moses was sent to Egypt to save Israelis, to release them from unbearable suffer. They've severely suffered for years, but only when Pharaoh had issued the order to throw Israelis newly born baby boys to Niles to serve as a meal for alligators, only then Israelis had remembered about their God, only then they had started scream to Me and asked Me to send them their Savior, but even then, after so many miracles, they had witnessed, only 3.000.000, that is 20% out of 15.000.000 of Israelis had followed Moses out of Egypt, 80% had stayed with their persecutors eagerly, they had chosen suffer instead of independence, they had preferred worship Pharaoh, that his soul was partly Satan's and partly human, that's why in this reincarnation as American Muslim, Hussein Obama has mentally suffered and had to use narcotics; in his 2nd reincarnation, this Obama had also set himself against Me, he was Titus, who had burned Jerusalem's Temple. Nowadays American Jews worship him as in Egypt, since they are reincarnation of these 80% Jews, who stayed in Egypt to lick Egyptians buttocks; in their present reincarnation they have helped this Obama to become president and still help him a lot with money and with their eagerness to vote for him once more. He will stay the 44th president, till the Messiah Revelation, because 45 is the numerical value of word "Redemption" and word=אדם = "Adam" Redemption=45= Geula= גאולה. My Messiah will correct Adam's sin and will govern the World. As for American President , who's soul is the same, it was in Egypt and in Rome partly animal and partly human. 44=Dam=blood=דם= 44 and 44 is the numerical value of word "'blood", so as the 44th president, he will bring a lot of blood and sand to The State of Israel, with his peace process that in reality it's a destroy The State of Israel process that we know exactly that The State of israel is a Jacob and American President he the president of Esau's country , the numerical value of word=חול= "sand" is also 44. numerical value of Esau's=עשו= name is 376, the same as the numerical value of word "peace"=376=Shalom=שלום. Order American Hussein (President Barack Obama) set free righteous and now sick man, Jonathan Pollard immediately, (Jonathan Pollard IS THE prisoners of Zion) Geula=Redemption=Salvation=Спасение=выкуп=λύτρωση=Σωτηρία=45. Dam=Blood=Кровь=αίμα=44. Adam=Адам=Αδάμ=45. Kholl=Sand=Песок=άμμος=44. Shalom=Мир=Ειρήνη=376. Hesav=Esau's=Исав=Ησαύ=376. Hagar=H=Kill=Horeg=убивать=σκοτώνουν.G=Steal=Gonev=воровать=κλοπή. R1/2=Rotzehakh=Murder=убийство=δολοφονία. R2/2=Shakran=שקרן=лгун=ψεύτης=liar. Or R2/2 More exactly-it's a Ramay=רמאי=Κλέφτη=CheaterSee More
      Photo: ‎Today Aliah, the prophet, sending you Message from the Universe Creator. H is acronym of the word "kill", G is acronym of the word steal, R is acronym of two words: word "liar" and word "murder"הגר ה- הורג ג- גונב ר- רוצח ר- רמאי. Hagar Horeg= kill Gonev= steal Rotzeach= murder Ramay=liar. The name Ishmael, that means "God will hear". God will hear cry and screams of Israelis to what Ishmael descendants will do to Israelis, because Israelis don't want Me, they usually remember their God only in Great disasters and only then, they scream to Me for help, only when they can't suffer anymore, because most of them are "Golden Calf" worshipers, they didn't change during generations. Moses was sent to Egypt to save Israelis, to release them from unbearable suffer. They've severely suffered for years, but only when Pharaoh had issued the order to throw Israelis newly born baby boys to Niles to serve as a meal for alligators, only then Israelis had remembered about their God, only then they had started scream to Me and asked Me to send them their Savior, but even then, after so many miracles, they had witnessed, only 3.000.000, that is 20% out of 15.000.000 of Israelis had followed Moses out of Egypt, 80% had stayed with their persecutors eagerly, they had chosen suffer instead of independence, they had preferred worship Pharaoh, that his soul was partly Satan's and partly human, that's why in this reincarnation as American Muslim, Hussein Obama has mentally suffered and had to use narcotics; in his 2nd reincarnation, this Obama had also set himself against Me, he was Titus, who had burned Jerusalem's Temple. Nowadays American Jews worship him as in Egypt, since they are reincarnation of these 80% Jews, who stayed in Egypt to lick Egyptians buttocks; in their present reincarnation they have helped this Obama to become president and still help him a lot with money and with their eagerness to vote for him once more. He will stay the 44th president, till the Messiah Revelation, because 45 is the numerical value of word "Redemption" and word=אדם = "Adam" Redemption=45= Geula= גאולה. My Messiah will correct Adam's sin and will govern the World. As for American President , who's soul is the same, it was in Egypt and in Rome partly animal and partly human. 44=Dam=blood=דם= 44 and 44 is the numerical value of word "'blood", so as the 44th president, he will bring a lot of blood and sand to The State of Israel, with his peace process that in reality it's a destroy The State of Israel process that we know exactly that The State of israel is a Jacob and American President he the president of Esau's country , the numerical value of word=חול= "sand" is also 44. numerical value of Esau's=עשו= name is 376, the same as the numerical value of word "peace"=376=Shalom=שלום. Order American Hussein (President Barack Obama) set free righteous and now sick man, Jonathan Pollard immediately, (Jonathan Pollard IS THE prisoners of Zion) Geula=Redemption=Salvation=Спасение=выкуп=λύτρωση=Σωτηρία=45. Dam=Blood=Кровь=αίμα=44. Adam=Адам=Αδάμ=45. Kholl=Sand=Песок=άμμος=44. Shalom=Мир=Ειρήνη=376. Hesav=Esau's=Исав=Ησαύ=376. Hagar=H=Kill=Horeg=убивать=σκοτώνουν.G=Steal=Gonev=воровать=κλοπή. R1/2=Rotzehakh=Murder=убийство=δολοφονία. R2/2=Shakran=שקרן=лгун=ψεύτης=liar. Or R2/2 More exactly-it's a Ramay=רמאי=Κλέφτη=Cheater‎
    • Call Out To Messiah, Messiah is coming soon.
      Photo: Call Out To Messiah, Messiah is coming soon.
    • The result of dividing 432 by 12 is 36. I'll remind you the unique number, number 36. The sum of the results after multiplying it's digits comes back to the original number: 3x6=18, 6x3=18. 18+18=36. You are invited to test this by simple calculation with other numbers, you'll not find any other number, that will come back to the original number & why is that? The numerical value of the number 36 when written in letters, is 86, that is the numerical number of the word Alohim, the Holy Name of the Holy Universe Creator, so Holy, that's better for you not to pronounce it. 36 is written in Hebrew with the letters Lamedh & Waw. Lamedh=74: Lamedh(30)+Mem(40)+Daleth(4); Waw is 12: Waw+Waw=12; 74+12=86. There are 36 righteous people in each generation who are real Saints & because of their deeds, God hasn't destroyed this Creation, since all their thoughts about others, who are weak & can't take proper care of themselves, they don't have property, money & so on & if they have, they give it out to the needy ones; God is always with them, that's why their power is tremendous, since they are above the laws of nature. 36x12(tribes of Israel)=432; the numerical value of the word "Universe"; this Universe exists only because 12 tribes of Israel. תבל=Tevel=עולם=Holam=world=мир. In Russian language мир=Mir also known as a земля=Z'emlia= ''LAND''=אדמה=Hadama. World=κόσμος=Kosmos. The letters of the word Tevel is ת=TAF=400, BEYT OR BET=2 = ב LAMED=ל =30 Now let's talk about number 36= ל"ו צדיקים נסתרים = thirty six hidden saints= LAMED VAV TZADIKIM NISTARIM= тридцать шесть скрытых святых=Τριάντα έξι κρυφές αγίων. So as we know it, למ''ד=Lamed=30+40+4=74, ו''ו=VAV=6+6=12, and together we got 74+12=86=אלוהים=אלהים=Helohim=God=Бог=Θεός
      Photo: ‎The result of dividing 432 by 12 is 36. I'll remind you the unique number, number 36. The sum of the results after multiplying it's digits comes back to the original number: 3x6=18, 6x3=18. 18+18=36. You are invited to test this by simple calculation with other numbers, you'll not find any other number, that will come back to the original number & why is that? The numerical value of the number 36 when written in letters, is 86, that is the numerical number of the word Alohim, the Holy Name of the Holy Universe Creator, so Holy, that's better for you not to pronounce it. 36 is written in Hebrew with the letters Lamedh & Waw. Lamedh=74: Lamedh(30)+Mem(40)+Daleth(4); Waw is 12: Waw+Waw=12; 74+12=86. There are 36 righteous people in each generation who are real Saints & because of their deeds, God hasn't destroyed this Creation, since all their thoughts about others, who are weak & can't take proper care of themselves, they don't have property, money & so on & if they have, they give it out to the needy ones; God is always with them, that's why their power is tremendous, since they are above the laws of nature. 36x12(tribes of Israel)=432; the numerical value of the word "Universe"; this Universe exists only because 12 tribes of Israel. תבל=Tevel=עולם=Holam=world=мир. In Russian language мир=Mir also known as a земля=Z'emlia= ''LAND''=אדמה=Hadama. World=κόσμος=Kosmos. The letters of the word Tevel is ת=TAF=400, BEYT OR BET=2 = ב  LAMED=ל =30  Now let's talk about number 36= ל"ו צדיקים נסתרים = thirty six hidden saints= LAMED VAV TZADIKIM NISTARIM= тридцать шесть скрытых святых=Τριάντα έξι κρυφές αγίων. So as we know it,  למ''ד=Lamed=30+40+4=74, ו''ו=VAV=6+6=12, and together we got 74+12=86=אלוהים=אלהים=Helohim=God=Бог=Θεός‎
    • Pizza in the ``Zaro`s Bakery`` is when the cheese became to be a liquid. Pizza in the ``Zaro`s Bakery`` that are better than the ''Rosati's Pizza'' and better than the ``Giordano Pizza``
      Photo: Pizza in the ``Zaro`s Bakery`` is when the cheese became to be a liquid. Pizza in the ``Zaro`s Bakery`` that are better than the ''Rosati's Pizza'' and better than the ``Giordano Pizza``
    • where i can find hot coffee ? what you are waiting for ? there is more than 52 branches around the city (New York). The Zaro`s bakeries of new york city are waiting for you
      Photo: where i can find hot coffee ? what you are waiting for ?  there is more than 52 branches around the city (New York). The Zaro`s bakeries of new york city are waiting for you
    • The Gimaria (Numerology) Calendar, of today
      Photo: The Gimaria (Numerology) Calendar, of today
    • Message from Eliah the prophet. 127 days have been left till Mega tsunami in Chile, India, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Tunisia, so As we know, there are a lot of places in the world who suffers from the ''Earthquake sensitive areas in the world''. Sarah, Abraham's wife, has lived 127 years as written in Genesis 23:1 & Abraham 175 years as written in Genesis 25:7. 127+175=302; it's also the numerical value of the word ברק= Barack=Lightning=Молния=Αστραπή
      Photo: ‎Message from Eliah the prophet. 127 days have been left till Mega tsunami in Chile, India, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Tunisia, so As we know, there are a lot of places in the world who suffers from the  ''Earthquake sensitive areas in the world''. Sarah, Abraham's wife, has lived 127 years as written in Genesis 23:1 & Abraham 175 years as written in Genesis 25:7. 127+175=302; it's also the numerical value of the word ברק= Barack=Lightning=Молния=Αστραπή‎
    • Message from Eliah the prophet. All Mexican people have to come beck to Spain and give that land to Indian people also known as native American Indian people and all Moroccan people have to come Beck to Saudi Arabian or to come to UAE and give that land to Black People also known as African people the solution to our problem it's to Publicize the request to the Almighty Lord to reveal the world His Messiah, finance. Noah had built his ark for 120 years in the center of the city; at least 3 generations had seen him, laughed at him & had perished. The numerical value of the word "Noah", using the numerical value of letters, when they are written in letters: Nun (418)+Heth (106)=524. The numerical value of the word "ark" is also 524. נו''ן=Nun=50+6+50=106=נ=N. ח=חי''ת=Cheyth=418=CH or KH. תיבה=Teyva= ковчег= κιβωτός= Ark= 524. Now in Hebrew תבה=תיבה=teva, ת=400=OR ת=4 for second time (For 2nd Time) we have 2= ב For last time we have 5=ה so together we got 524. Now why I'M call to Mexican people and to Arab Moroccan to live them countries? do you know why? Because when President Obama push Israel to Giving up some west bank authority to the Palestinian people, so those 2 nation they are Bystander and shaddap them face. Now if the Jewish from West Bank them are settlers so who is the are the Mexican people & Moroccan people ? did they not settlers ?
      Photo: ‎Message from Eliah the prophet. All Mexican people have to come beck to Spain and give that land to Indian people also known as native American Indian people and all Moroccan people have to come Beck to Saudi Arabian or to come to UAE  and give that land to Black People also known as African people the solution to our problem it's to Publicize the request to the Almighty Lord to reveal the world His Messiah, finance. Noah had built his ark for 120 years in the center of the city; at least 3 generations had seen him, laughed at him & had perished. The numerical value of the word "Noah", using the numerical value of letters, when they are written in letters: Nun (418)+Heth (106)=524. The numerical value of the word "ark" is also 524. נו''ן=Nun=50+6+50=106=נ=N. ח=חי''ת=Cheyth=418=CH or KH. תיבה=Teyva= ковчег= κιβωτός= Ark= 524. Now in Hebrew תבה=תיבה=teva, ת=400=OR ת=4 for second time (For 2nd Time) we have 2= ב For last time we have 5=ה so together we got 524. Now why I'M call to Mexican people and to Arab Moroccan  to live them countries? do you know why? Because when President Obama push Israel to Giving up some west bank authority to the Palestinian people, so those 2 nation they are Bystander and shaddap them face. Now if the Jewish from West Bank them are settlers so who is the are the Mexican people & Moroccan people ? did they not settlers ?‎
    • Let's buy some cookies at the any branch of Zaro's bakery
      Photo: Let's buy some cookies at the any branch of Zaro's bakery
    • the Zaro's bakery cashier
      Photo: the Zaro's bakery cashier

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