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Ben Zygier didn't commit suicide! He was murdered in the Israeli jail!

The order came from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and from the Israeli intelligence Shabak (Shin Bet)!

4 IYYAR , 5773 / 14.04.2013

Ben Zygier (born in Australia) didn't commit suicide! He was murdered in jail following an order from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and from the Israeli intelligence Shabak (Shin Bet)!


Ben Zygier 


The reason: Ben Zygier intended to publicize the corruption of the Israeli leadership who made a lot of money from selling secret military information to Iran and Hizbullah.

This information caused damage to the security of Israel!

Israeli leaders also gained money from non legal armament transactions.

The daughter of Ivet Lieberman (former Israel Foreign Minister) and the daughter of Ehud Barak (former Israel Defence Minister) have millions of dollars in their bank accounts due to such illegal corrupted transactions.

The Israeli Shabak exerted pressure on Ben Zygier during his investigation.

Ben Zygier didn't commit suicide! He was murdered!



More information in Hebrew:

התשובות לתעלומה של האוסטרלי ש"התאבד" בכלא.

עדכוני ד' באדר ה'תשע"ג / 14.2.2013


מי נתן את ההוראה לחסל את הסוכן בן זיגייר בכלא, ולהציג זאת כ"התאבדות"?! מה הסיבה שחיסלו אותו?!

עדכוני ד' באדר ה'תשע"ג / 14.2.2013


דבר אליהו הנביא: שמות האנשים שהחליטו לחסל את בן זיגייר!

עדכוני ט' באדר ה'תשע"ג / 19.2.2013


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