According to ancient 800-year-old Jewish prophecy: the Messiah will appear in the same year the “King of Persia [Iran] will provoke the King of Arabia [Saudi Arabia].”
Rabbi Saadia Levi Nachmani warned already 22 years ago:
"From the north disaster will be poured out", it will be: NORTH KOREA !!!
North Korea will come here, The Atom- is for us (Israel)!!
19 Adar Alef, 5776 / 28.02.2016 |
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Quotation from the arab website Albawaba:
Some people think a prophecy shows Iran-Saudi tensions mean the return of the Messiah
A number of blogs and news sites have suggested that the recent escalation in tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran may be a sign of the end times. Breaking News Israel, which bills itself as providing the “latest news” from a “biblical perspective,” claimed that Saudi Arabia’s actions may have unwittingly fulfilled an 800-year-old Jewish prophecy .
The website discusses a “messianic Jewish prophecy” found in an ancient holy book called the Yalkut Shimoni. The book was written over 800-years-ago, according to the post, and includes a prediction relevant to today’s news .
According to the prophecy, the Messiah will appear in the same year the “King of Persia [Iran] will provoke the King of Arabia [Saudi Arabia] .”
Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia have deteriorated drastically since Saudi executed a prominent Shia cleric. The Saudi embassy in Tehran was attacked, and allies of the Kingdom followed Saudi in downgrading diplomatic relations with Iran .
There have been, of course, countless predictions and prophecies throughout history and those who cite them are often disappointed when they do not come true .
One of the more memorable predictions which still pops up occasionally is that the birth of a specific type of cow will signal the return of the Messiah. When a cow was born in 2014 which appeared to match the description of the prophecy, there was a frantic rush to prepare for the arrival of the Messiah .
Soon after, the cow was determined to be flawed and thus not the correct type .
The original text from the "Yalkut Shimoni" book:
אמר רבי יצחק שנה שמלך המשיח נגלה בו כל מלכי אומות העולם מתגרים זה בזה, מלך פרס (איראן) מתגרה במלך ערבי (ערב הסעודית) והולך מלך ערבי לארם ליטול עצה מהם וחוזר מלך פרס ומחריב את כל העולם וכל אומות העולם מתרעשים ומתבהלים ונופלים על פניהם ויאחוז אותם צירים כצירי יולדה, וישראל מתרעשים ומתבהלים ואומר להיכן נבוא ונלך להיכן נבוא ונלך להיכן נבוא ונלך, ואומר להם בני אל תיראו כל מה שעשיתי לא עשיתי אלא בשבילכם מפני מה אתם מתיראים אל תיראו הגיע זמן גאולתכם (ילקוט שמעוני, ישעיהו ס') |
Yalkut Shimony describes (translation from Hebrew)
Rabbi Itzhak said: in the year in which King Moshiach (Messiah) will appear, all kings in the world provoke one another, King of Persia provokes the King of Arabia (Saudi Arabia?!), and the King of Arabia goes to Aram (or to Esav = the leading Christian state, which today is the USA) to ask for their advice.
And the King of Persia returns and ruins the whole world (Atomic bombs of Iran!?), and all the nations of the world are upset and frightened, they fall on their faces and they feel they begin to suffer pains, like the birth pangs…
And the people of Israel are also upset and frightened, asking "where shall we go… where shall we go… where shall we go…"
Then, Almighty tells the people of Israel:
"My sons, don't be afraid, because all I've done was just for you!
What are you afraid of?! Don't fear!
The time of your redemption has come!"
1) "Yalkut Shimony" was written 800 years ago probably by "Rabbi Shimon Hadarshan" in Frankfurt, Germany
2) The above quotation is only a small part from the full "Yalkut Shimony".
3) Note that 800 years ago, rabbi Shimony spoke about an ability of the Persian state to cause total destruction ("destroy the whole world") which can be done by Atom Bombs: a weapon which was like a science fiction in the times of Rabbi Shimony!
4) We know that Iran has already reached nuclear capability, including the ballistic missiles which can carry nuclear war-head.
The Israeli government is aware of that catastrophic danger, but they prefer to hide that shocking knowledge from the people of Israel!
5) On 16th January 2016 Dr. Theodore Karasik (USA) declared in the Daily Express (UK):
Are North Korea and Iran in secret NUCLEAR plot to wipe out Israel!
Are North Korea and Iran in secret NUCLEAR plot to WIPE OUT Israel? Expert warns of threat
6) Note that the late Rabbi Saadia Levi Nachmani warned already 22 years ago (1994) about the well known verse of Prophet Jeremiah (Chapter 1, verse 14):
(14) Then Almighty said unto me: 'Out of the north the evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land. (15) For, lo, I will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north, saith Almighty; and they shall come, and they shall set every one his throne at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, and against all the walls thereof round about, and against all the cities of Judah. (16) And I will utter My judgments against them touching all their wickedness; in that they have forsaken me, and have offered unto other gods, and worshipped the work of their own hands. |
The main points which Rabbi Nachmani warned already in 1994:
"From the north disaster will be poured out", it will be:
North Korea will come here (to Israel)!!
Almighty Forbid! And may help and save us!
Anyone who notice what is going now (1994!...) in North Koria… that is aimed: to us (Israel)!! The Atom!!...
If we (people of Israel) will not follow Almighty commandments…
Listen! Be aware!... It will be worse than the holocaust"!...
The complete warning of Rabbi Nachmani (1994) in Hebrew:
7) You may ask then: "Why do you warn the Jews who live abroad to return to Israel, if there is a danger of Nuclear weapon etc."?!
The answer!
Only Israel will be the safe place for the Jews in this present process of Almighty Great judgment day!
Of course, on condition that that they will fulfill the demands which we mention in our website.
Any Jew who will not immediately leave the Diaspora and return to Israel, he and his family will not survive to see Moshiach (Messiah)!
Just like 80% of the people of Israel
In the times of Moses, preferred to stay as slaves in Egypt, and not follow Moses: they were annihilated by Almighty in 3 days of total Darkness!
The souls of the Jews who live today in the Golden Calf Diaspora, are reincarnation of those 80% Jews in Moses times who preferred to be slaves to Pharaoh, rather then follow Moses redemption!
What the Gentiles should do to survive? |
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What Jewish people should do to survive?
Moshiach will reign the world