The Moshiach is a Jew who lives now in Israel
● Moshiach revelation will occur only after the people of Israel will loudly shout
● The Jews should return to Israel ● Gog and Magog War over Jerusalem is coming up!!
10 Heshvan, 5775 / 3.11.2014 |
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Main points: important to know
1) The Moshiach (Messiah) lives now in Israel
2) The Moshiach is a Jew!
3) As Rabbi Itzhak Kaduri said 9 years ago: the Moshiach acts in Israel and he is doing his mission, he spreads his words in the media, therefore he is known to half of the people in Israel, though they don't recognize him as the Moshiach.
Also the Leubavitch Rabbi said that Moshiach will be revealed in this generation.
4) The only one whom Almighty has sent to declare The Moshiach appearance and give his identity is: Eliyahoo Hanavi!
In prophet Malachi ch.3, Almighty declares: I'll send you Eliya the prophet before the coming of great and Horrible Day of Almighty!
22] Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, even statutes and ordinances. 23] Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of Almighty. 24] And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers; lest I come and smite the land with utter destruction. {P} (Malachi, 3) |
As we are relatively close to The Day of The Moshiach declaration, it's clear that Eliya the prophet has done his holy work to try to warn people etc.
5) Anyone who claims that he knows who the Moshiach is takes the function of Eliya the prophet, who was sent in the name of Almighty!!
It is not important who the Moshiach is!
It is important that people will ask Almighty's kingdom by the Moshiach leadership, as was in the times of Moses:
Only when people of Israel shouted to Almighty, only then Almighty sent Moses to save them and lead them!
Each one of you should loudly shout (better in Hebrew) to Almighty asking for the Moshiach !
You should also warn others using the media:
a) Fulfill Almighty commandments only according to Moses Bible as the Jews do!
b) Shout loudly to Almighty asking for the Moshiach!
c) Warn other people, using the media.
d) Put a signpost on the front of your house asking for the Moshiach, put a Moshiach flag on your car or bicycle etc.
For detailed explanation:
6) Again! We repeat!
Almighty will send Eliya the prophet to identify and declare the Moshiach , only after people of Israel will loudly shout to Almighty asking for the Moshiach , as was in the time of Moses in Egypt!
Almighty doesn't need the "help" of any human being to identify the Moshiach!
Anyone who will try to identify the Moshiach, will later have to stand in the court of Eliyahoo Hanavi, who will judge him for taking the task given by Almighty – only to Eliyahoo Hanavi!!
On the other hand, anyone who hasn't shown expectation for the Moshiach by loudly shouting, by warning others by using the media, etc:
He will not gain the right to live in the Moshiach era!
It's true that Moshiach revelation is relatively close, but it will occur only after the people of Israel will loudly shout, and it seems this will happen (like in Moses times): only after Horrible Troubles!
* The Jews should return to Israel – that's a clear command of Almighty.
People should ask for Moshiach, warn others about it, etc
Rabbi Itzhak Kaduri also warned 9 years ago: all the Jews should return to Israel! They are in danger.
Almighty will punish the USA and the nations in Europe who force Israel to leave areas of the Holy Promised Land, which Almighty gave to Abraham and to the people of Israel as an eternal gift!!
Only the people of Israel have the right to live in the Holy Land, according to Almighty's promise!!
* Gog and Magog War over Jerusalem is coming up!!
All the nations of the world will gather against Israel, their armies will go to Gog and Magog battle over Jerusalem.
1 The burden of the word of the Almighty concerning Israel. The saying of Almighty, who stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundation of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him: 2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of staggering unto all the peoples round about, and upon Judah also shall it fall to be in the siege against Jerusalem. 3 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it… (Zecharia, 12) |
Read Yeizkiel ch 20 verse 33:
Almighty will be the King of Israel only after using "strong hand" and with "great anger": only after Horrible Disasters people will shout, asking for Moshiach.
33] As I live, saith Almighty, surely with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with fury poured out, will I be king over you. |
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What Jewish people should do to survive?
Moshiach will reign the world