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Warning to the Jews in America and other abroad:
your situation will get worse!
Immediately immigrate to Israel!

* The revelation of the Moshiach (Messiah) will occur in 2019- 2020 and then will start his leadership!

* Moshiach will reign the world from the Temple in Jerusalem!

* On March 17th USA and Canada will begin to sink under the water: between 70 to 150 million people will die there due to mega floods and Almighty plagues.

* What should the Gentiles do in order to save themselves!

* All the financial institutes in the world will soon collapse!

* Gog and Magog War over Jerusalem is coming up!!

* Ben Zygier didn't commit suicide! He was murdered in the Israeli jail!


For the full article - press here

A question we received from our readers:
Why do you claim that USA will sink under the water, while Almighty has promised to Noah that there will not be a second deluge on earth?!

25 Adar Alef, 5774 / 25.02.2014

Moshiach will reign the world
from the Temple in Jerusalem

For the full article and detailed information - press here

What should the Gentiles do in order to save themselves!

TAMUZ , 5773 / 06.2013

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Rabbi Itzhak Kaduri announced 9 years ago: the Moshiach (Messiah) is in Israel! Half of the people in Israel know him, but they don't recognize him as the Moshiach.

21 Shvat 5775 / 10 Feb 2015

The Moshiach is a Jew who lives now in Israel ● Moshiach revelation will occur only after the people of Israel will loudly shout ● The Jews should return to Israel ● Gog and Magog War over Jerusalem is coming up!!

10 Heshvan, 5775 / 3.11.2014

Ben Zygier didn't commit suicide! He was murdered in the Israeli jail!

The order came from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and from the Israeli intelligence Shabak (Shin Bet)

4 IYYAR , 5773 / 14.04.2013



Everyday shout loudly to the Almighty (in Hebrew)
asking for King Moshiach revelation!


ה' מלך העולם אנא שלח: משיח בן דוד מיד



El Adonai Shadai, king of the world! Please send us Moshiach Ben David immediately!


"Adonai Melech Haolam! Ana shlach mashiach Ben David miyad!"


Better use the Shofar in between the shouting.


An example of shouting in Hebrew:





America will sink under the water soon!